Feel Love, Talk Love, Make Love: Teen’s Key Sex Education Exhibition

Feel Love, Talk Love, Make Love: How can you ‘make no doubt’ in your relationships?
Sexual content is everywhere online, so it’s better for us to receive evidence-based content than to take what’s online for granted. In response to the World Contraception Day, we had over 100+ teens and young couples visited the “Feel Love, Talk Love, Make Love: Sex Education Exhibition” hosted by Teen’s Key at our service hub, to walk through the comprehensive sexuality education journey in our judgement-free safe space.
We exhibited three major themes (sexual consent, safe sex and accidental pregnancy) from our newly launched ‘SexualityHub HK’, an online sex education platform co-created by our youth sex education ambassadors, social workers and academics. A sharing session about ‘How to create a judgement-free safe space to talk about sex myths and consent’ hosted by Teen’s Key certified sex educator Carey Choi and Dr. Ben Au-Yeung was also be held on 25th September 5pm.
MEDIA FEATURE: https://www.scmp.com/yp/discover/news/article/3193863/world-contraception-day-one-hong-kong-ngo-wants-teens-have-safe
Date: 24th-25th September, 2022
Time: 12-6pm
Venue: Teen’s Key – Young Women Development Service Hub
Language: Cantonese (with English display boards)
Target: Anyone who is interested in sex education
Registration link*#: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/-feel-love-talk-love-make-love-sex-education-exhibition-tickets-414463259767
*Booking is required due to capacity constraints at the venue.
#Due to government pandemic policies, visitors need to fill in a health declaration form in advance. Link to the form will be sent upon successful registration.