通過⼀系列探索活動與計劃,我們的⽬標是提前應對危機,以便年輕⼥性能夠對⾃⼰的未來做出健康和明智的決定。 透過提供支持及啟發潛能的計劃,幫助年輕女性建立她們人生的新一頁。我們還與其他⾮營利組織進⾏聯合研究,以提⾼公眾對⾹港年輕⼥性需求和權利的認識。
女性一直被歷史和社會因素所規範。尤其是年輕女性,面對社教化的壓力和家庭的期望,個人發展難免受到影響。 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,賽馬會「自主‧流」身體律動計劃是一個為期三年的試點項目,旨在改善青少女的身心健康,過程中啟發她們的好奇心,擁抱身體多樣性,培養性別意識。
通過一系列探索活動與計劃,我們的目標是提前應對危機,以便年輕女性能夠對自己的未來做出健康和明智的決定。 我們還與其他非營利組織進行聯合研究,以提高公眾對香港年輕女性需求和權利的認識。
為香港低收入邊緣年輕女性/年輕家庭提供緊急經濟支援,維持她們的日常生活費用,共同度過難關。 該項目包括定期聚會和家訪,為受益家庭及贊助機構提供直接分享機會,在逆境中締造非批判同行空間,感受同行者溫暖,鼓勵年輕女性及家庭繼續發揮潛能,實踐夢想。
In the latest Youth Sexuality Study (YSS) conducted by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK), F.3-F.6 students scored only an average of 5 correct answers out of 12 key questions, which is unsatisfactory.
Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis (one popular STD) among young community 5.3% was much higher than in UK, US, and Mainland China 1.8%.
1 in 4 students report sexual harassment yet rarely seek help.
In the latest Youth Sexuality Study (YSS) conducted by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK), F.3-F.6 students scored only an average of 5 correct answers out of 12 key questions, which is unsatisfactory.
Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis (one popular STD) among young community 5.3% was much higher than in UK, US, and Mainland China 1.8%.
1 in 4 students report sexual harassment yet rarely seek help.
Bianca, 18